Hola! I'm back safe and sound! Guys, i miss you all from my bottom of my heart! Where to begin with? eh... ...well. I'm really happy that i able to login blogger again after being awhile without pc in my daily life. As some of you know that i went to a music camp for a week. yeah...yeah...but still I CAN'T LOGIN!!!
What else? It's the stupid streamyx again! DANG...The very first thing that i do when i reached home is turn on my pc and login to the internet. Unfortunately, it doesn't work AGAIN! Yes, again...I don't know why must my pc caught in problems everytimes after i leave it alone for weeks or what. This really drive me crazy all the time. I phone up streamyx asap. After couple of days, they sent a technician to my house and help me sort out the problems. The streamyx guy is an old man called Ah Lim, or Pak Cik Lim? haha...he is a Malay thou...

After this and that, here and there. I finally get myself back to the old days with my pc...LOL
just like a kiddo that get his ice-cream from mummy!
just like a kiddo that get his ice-cream from mummy!
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